See How Veneers Disguise the Dental Flaws in Your Smile

Looking to make a change in the way your teeth look? If you are ready to disguise your dental flaws, you will love how veneers can transform your smile. This popular cosmetic option is perfect if you want to hide chips, cracks, stubborn stains, or misshapen teeth. Just take a look at this recent transformation: 

[single_smile before_id=”827″ after_id=”830″]

When you come in for your appointment, we’ll discuss the best options for you. If you are a good candidate for prepless veneers, we won’t have to remove any of your tooth enamel. Either way, if we do need to remove a little tooth enamel to place your veneers, you won’t feel a thing! 

Call Kiski Advanced Dentistry at 724-294-5526 for an appointment in Leechburg, PA. You can also schedule online.